MSDS T6248 Version 6.0
Page 1 of 4 Release Date December 14, 2007
Material Safety Data Sheet
1. Identification of The Substance/Preparation and of The Company/Undertaking
1.1. Identification of the preparation: Epson Ink Cartridge T6248
1.2. Use of the substance/preparation: Inkjet Printing
1.3. Company/undertaking identification
Manufacturer/Distributor: SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION
Address: 80 Harashinden, Hirooka,
Shiojiri-shi, Nagano-ken, 399-0785
TEL: +81-263-52-2552 FAX: +81-263-53-3702
e-mail: msds_hro@exc.epson.co.jp
Date Prepared: December 14, 2007
Date Revised:
1.4. Emergency telephone: +81-263-52-2552 (Mon-Fri, 9AM-5PM JST)
2. Hazard Identification
2.1. Emergency Overview:
Ink component is an orange liquid that causes eye, nose or throat irritation, and that effects anesthesia,
if inhales. Ink may flash, when under high temperature. Avoid contact with eyes or clothing. In
the case of skin contact, wash with soap and water. Keep out of reach of children.
2.2. Potential Health Effects:
Eyes: Ink contact with eye will be irritating. See Section 11 for Toxicology.
Skin: Ink contact with skin may cause minimally irritation. See Section 11 for Toxicology.
Inhalation: Intentional exposure to ink vapors (mist) will cause respiratory irritation and anesthesia. See Section
11 for Toxicology.
Ingestion: May cause upset stomach. See Section 11 for Toxicology.
3. Composition/Information on Ingredients
This is a solvent ink formulation
Ink Composition
CAS No. % By Weight
Proprietary pigment – < 5
Synthetic polymer – 1 – 10
Diethylene glycol diethyl ether 112-36-7 55 – 65
Gamma-butyrolactone 96-48-0 10 – 20
Tetraethylene glycol, dimethyl ether 143-24-8 10 – 20
Additives – < 5