Paper Source Options
Select the paper source options you want to use for your printed jobs.
Paper Source Available settings Description
A4/Letter Auto On If Letter or A4-size paper is selected for printing and the
Switching selected paper size is not loaded, the product attempts to
print on an alternate paper size (Letter for A4, or A4 for
Auto Select On Select On to feed from the paper source containing paper
Settings that matches your paper settings.
Error Notice Paper Size Notice Select On to display an error message when the paper size
and type settings for each paper source and the copy/print
Paper Type Notice
settings in each mode do not match.
Parent topic: Selecting the Paper Source Settings - Administrator
Selecting Universal Print Settings
You can change the default universal print settings using the product control panel.
Note: These settings can be locked by an administrator. If you cannot access these settings, contact
your administrator for assistance.
1. Press the up or down arrow buttons, select Menu, and press the OK button.
2. Press the down arrow button, select System Administration, and press the OK button. Enter the
administrator password, if necessary.
You see this screen: