Code Condition/solution
423 A communication error has occurred. It is also possible that a file with the same name is
open or the file is a read-only file.
Check the network connection, make sure the settings are correct for the folder selected
in the Where to Forward setting in the Setup menu, close the duplicate file, or disable
read-only protection.
425 There is not enough storage space available in the forwarding destination folder. Increase
the storage space in the destination folder.
428 The destination was wrong or the destination does not exist. Make sure the settings are
correct for the folder selected in the Where to Forward setting in the Setup menu.
Parent topic: Solving Problems
Related tasks
Selecting the Line Type
Connecting a Telephone or Answering Machine
Related topics
Wi-Fi or Wired Networking
Running a Product Check
Running a product check helps you determine if your product is operating properly.
1. Disconnect any interface cables connected to your product.
2. Load plain paper in the product.
3. Press the home button, if necessary.
4. Select Setup.
5. Select Maintenance.