Rev. B 13
whenever the communications between the Site Controller
and the Control Channel GETC is lost.
The Station GETC controls the Repeater Station's
radio through the following interface and control lines:
DELAY PTT (J6-1) Station executes an EXTernal
PTT sequence to key the
station transmitter.
REM PTT OUT (J6-16) Station executes a REMote
PTT, used to control audio
routing from the remote line
input to the transmitter.
RUS OUT (J7-15) Controls receiver (Vol/Sq)
audio sent to the transmitter.
DET DIS (J6-10) Detect Disable signal disables
LSD while sending HSD to the
PA FAIL (J7-13) RF power amplifier failure
sensing line.
Synthesizer-exciter lock detect
SYNTH CLK (J6-12) Synthesizer-exciter clock line
(MIIe - 800/900 MHz
applications only).
SYNTH DATA (J6-11) Synthesizer-exciter data line
(MIIe - 800/900 MHz
applications only).
SYNTH LD EN (J6-15) Synthesizer-exciter load enable
pulse line (MIIe - 800/900
MHz applications only).
Direct modulation input to the
synthesizer-exciter (MIIe
Input to the transmitter for
Unfiltered receiver audio (9600
or 4800 baud data, voice, or
Keeps line output active during
absence of a clear voice,
working channel call (EDACS
For a complete description of the interface signals, and
their activity during the various operating modes, refer to
Table 15 .
The GETC uses the following lines to communicate
with other GETCs and with the Site Controller:
Serial link, transmit output, to
Serial link, received input from
Backup Serial Link between
synchronization in trunked