– 6 – ETAsys.com
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.
Telephone: 800-321-6699 • Fax: 800-996-3821
Power Conditioner
• 10TotalOutletsAreProvided
• 8RearPanelOutlets
• 2FrontPaneland1RearPanelUnswitchedConvenienceOutlets
• RFINoiseFilteringtoReduceRadioFrequencyInterference
• EMIToReduceElectromagneticInterference
• DualClampingSpike&SurgeSuppression,DCSCircuitry
• FrontPanelDigitalACMainsVoltmeter
• LEDIndicationofReversed“Live”and“Neutral”Wiring
• AbnormalACLineVoltageIndicatorforVoltagesBetween101V–107Vor128V–132V
• ExtremeVoltageShutdown(EVS)Below101VorAbove132VACLine
• CircuitBreakerProtection@15AIndicatedby“BreakerOpen”Indicator
• FrontMountedPull-outLEDLightWith2-PositionDimmer
• RearMountedXLRConnectorfor12VDCLEDLamp
The ETA-C15D was designed to be flexible with features that allow it to be used in a variety of applications. The ETA-C15D can be used
solely for protection against lightning strikes or voltage surges or for AC Mains Voltage Monitoring. If fuzzy video or frequent static pops
occur, the AC power conditioning will eliminate or reduce those inconveniences. The following are just a few examples of applications
the ETA-C15D can be used:
• Restaurants
• HousesofWorship
• Schools
• HomeTheaters
• OfficeBuildings
• SportsBars
1. Unswitched AC Outlet–Thetwo120VACoutletsarealwayslivewhentheETA-C15DpowercordispluggedintoanACmains
power source and voltage is present. Note: The AC mains power switch does not affect the Unswitched AC Outlets. The
Unswitched Outlets are protected by the surge protection circuitry, but will not be shut off by the EVS circuit.
2. AC Mains Breaker –The15AratedbreakerwillopenifthecombineddrawofallACoutletsexceeds15A.Note: The breaker is
designed to exceed its rating for a short period of time. If the breaker is tripped, you must first remove the load from the ETA-C15D
and then push to reset.
3. Power Switch–ToturntheETA-C15Donoroff,presstheswitchtotheONorOFFposition.
4. Pull Out Light–TheLEDlightisdesignedtobepulledoutwhenneeded.
5. Pull Out Light Dimmer Switch–UsethiscontrolforthePullOutLight.Settingsincludean“Off”positionandtwobrightnesssettings,
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