Chapter 3—BIOS Utilities 3-7
Working with the Pull-down Menu (Submenu)
When the desired menu bar (main menu) item is highlighted, press the Enter key to
enter the pull-down menu (submenu) for values setting. You may use the following
keys to work with the pull-down menu.
Action Keys Used Description
Down arrow (↓)
Up arrow (↑)
Move to the next pull-
down menu item.
Move to the previous pull-
down menu item.
Select pull-down
menu item
The highlighted letter key Move to the corresponding
pull-down menu item.
Select a control
Tab Move between the options.
Change values
Down/Up arrows (↓)(↑)
Modify the settings.
Spacebar Enable/disable the
specified function. When
a check mark (√) appears,
the function is on.
Accept entries
Enter Choose <OK> from a list
of options.
Undo the current setting. Reject entries
Enter Choose <Cancel> from a
list of options.
Activate accelerators Alt Initiate all the highlighted
letters corresponding to
their respective options.
Quit Esc Press the Esc key to close
the pull-down menu.