Eclipse User Manual
Eclipse User Manual Page 50 of 58 Release 1.10.1
Finding Out The Current Software Version
Press SETUP page 3 SERVICE VERSION to find your current Eclipse soft-
(SERIALNO) Find out your unit’s serial number without climbing into the
dark recesses of the “cable jungle”.
(SYSTEM) Current operating system software version.
(MODULES) Current modules version.
(ALGS) Current algorithms version.
(PRESETS) Current factory programs “version.”
(FPGA) Current FPGA version. Never you mind what an “FPGA”
(HARDWARE) Current hardware version.
Approved Compact Flash Cards
The characteristics of Compact Flash cards may vary, depending on model and manufacturer. The following
have been successfully tested by Eventide for use with Eclipse. Other cards may well be entirely suitable but
Eventide can take no responsibility for problems or data loss resulting from their use. Other capacities in
the same manufacturer’s ranges as those listed below will probably also be suitable.
Manufacturer Product Capacity
SST SST48CF016 16M
Kingston CF/8 CE 8M
New Media NMT00710 8M
IBM 1 GB Microdrive 1G
SanDisk SDCFB 16M
As we gain experience with other Compact Flash products they will be added to this list.