EVGA X58 SLI Motherboard
Standard CMOS Features
The Standard CMOS Features menu is used to configure the standard CMOS
information, such as the date, time, HDD model, and so on. Use the Page Up
and Page Down keys to scroll through the options or press Enter to display the
sub-menu. Use the arrow keys to position the selector in the option you
choose. To go back to the previous menu, press Esc.
The information shown in Item Help corresponds to the option highlighted.
Figure 5. Standard CMOS Features Menu
Note that all data in white is for information only, data in yellow is changeable, data in
blue is non-changeable, and data in a red box is highlighted for selection.
:Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
SATA 0 [None]
SATA 2 [None]
SATA 1 [None]
SATA 3 [None]
SATA 4 [None]
SATA 5 [None]
Halt On [All , But Keyboard]
Base Memory 640K
Extended Memory 1047552K
Total Memory 1048576K
Date (mm:dd:yy) Thu, Sep 15 1983
Time (hh:mm:ss) 12 : 48: 23
Item Help
Main Level
Change the day, month,
year and century
Phoenix – AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
Standard CMOS Features