Starting positions
1) To start with white on bottom, human’s move - press NEW GAME
2) To start with black on bottom, human’s move - press NEW GAME and
M O V E .
3) To start with White on bottom, computer’s move - press MULTI-
MOVE, play your choice for white, then black. Then press MULTI-
MOVE and then MOVE, and computer will continue to play for white.
Illegal Moves
If you make an illegal move, the beep tone will be lower and the display will
not register your move. To clear the display, press on the incorrect squares in
reverse order. Then perform a legal move. Or press clear and make a new
m o v e .
Problem Solving
1) Clear the board by pressing NEW GAME, SET UP, and MODE.
2) Place pieces on the board by pressing Piece Symbol key and the square to
be occupied once for white, twice for black.
3) After setting up pieces, tell the computer whose move it is by pressing the
BLACK/WHITE key. The display will read SIDE. Press repeatedly until
the color indicator box of choice appears in the display.
4) Press ON/CLEAR
5) Press LEVEL. Set to level 73, the problem solving level.
6) Press ON/CLEAR.
Note: We recommend using the VERIFY function after setting up problem
solving, to check the position of all the pieces.
T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g
A c t i o n / D i s p l a y
Error message
No display
R e m e d y
1) check if adapter/mains is plugged in; or if batteries are
installed correctly or are weak
2) check if adapter/mains specifications match those on the
label under the base of the unit
3) put safety pin (or other sharp thin pen, etc.) into the
ACL (reset) hole under the unit
1) VERIFY function to determine if a mistake
was made in moving the pieces
2) check that the TO square is pressed for your
m o v e
3) check that the move is legal (examples: you
can not move and remain in check; You may
not castle through check. Was En Passant
performed correctly, etc.)
Improper response