Hex codes
IR Remote Control Hex Codes and Signal Timing • Hex Codes
Looking up the Hex Code
To find the hex codes for your individual Extron IR remote
control, match your button positions with those in figure 1, then
look up the corresponding button number in the hex code table
(e.g., button #15 [arrowed] has the hex code 0E).
N Your remote control will not have all the buttons shown.
Figure 1 below covers the button combinations of all
available Extron IR remote models.
Explanation of Signal Timing
A complete command signal is made of a lead pulse, followed
by 32 bits (4 bytes) of data, and a repeat pulse as long for as the
button is held. The first two bytes contain the Extron device
address (which is 00H FFH), the third byte contains the hex
coded data (see the table above), and the fourth byte is the
inverse of the third byte. The repeat pulse is sent to allow the
receiver to know that the button is still being held.
Figure 1 — IR Remote buttons and corresponding
transmitted hex codes
1 2 3
10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29
30 31 32 33
34 35 36 37
38 39 40 41
42 43 44 45
5 7
Hex Code Table
(See left for button position)
Button # Hex Code
1 00
2 01
3 02
4 03
5 04
6 05
7 06
8 07
9 08
10 09
11 0A
12 0B
13 0C
14 0D
15 0E
16 0F
17 10
18 11
19 12
20 13
21 14
22 15
23 16
24 17
Button # Hex Code
25 18
26 19
27 1A
28 1B
29 1C
30 1D
31 1E
32 1F
33 40
34 41
35 42
36 43
37 44
38 45
39 46
40 47
41 48
42 49
43 4A
44 4B
45 4C