X4* = HDMI Output Format:
0 = auto (based on the display EDID: default)
1 = DVI RGB 444
2 = RGB 444 Full
3 = RGB 444 Limited
4 = YUV 444 Full
5 = YUV 444 Limited
6 = YUV 422 Full
7 = YUV 422 Limited
X4( = Auto Output Format Status:
0 = Output not connected
1 = DVI RGB 444
2 = RGB 444 Full
3 = RGB 444 Limited
4 = YUV 444 Full
5 = YUV 444 Limited
6 = YUV 422 Full
7 = YUV 422 Limited
X5) = Annotation type:
0 = eraser 7 = rectangle
1 = pointer 8 = text tool
2 = freehand 9 = spotlight
3 = highlighter 10 = zoom tool
4 = vector line 11 = pan tool
5 = arrow line (arrow appears at the endpoint of the vector)
6 = ellipse
X5! = Font selection — 16 character file name including *.TTF extension,
0 = default font (DeJaVuSans)
X5@ = Font size — 8 to 63 point font (default = 18 pt)
X5# = Line color — 6 bit RGB, 64 total colors
000000 = Black
010000 = Dark red (33%)
100000 = Medium red (66%)
110000 = Bright red (100%)
001100 = Bright green (66%)
000011 = Bright blue (default)
111111 = White
010101 = Dark gray (33%)
X5$ = Line weight, eraser, or highlighter width — 1 to 63 pixels wide (default = 8)
X5^ = On-screen clock:
0 = disabled (default)
1 = date and time
2 = time only
3 = date only
X5& = Annotation coordinates — 8 digit number with first four being the X coordinate,
the last four the Y coordinate, limits = 1000,1000. Fixed for any output rate.
Example, (0,0) = 00000000 = top left; (500,500) = 05000500 = screen center.
X5* = Audio input type
0 = None – Input muted (EDID has no CEA extension)
1 = LPCM-2Ch (LPCM-2Ch audio requested from source via EDID)
2 = Full Digital (allows any digital audio format from source via EDID)
Annotator 300 • SIS Communication and Control 38