98 • Technical Specifications Genie Monochrome Series-GigE Vision Camera
Computer Requirements for Genie Cameras
The following information is a guide to computer and networking equipment required to support the Genie camera
at maximum performance. The Genie camera series complies with the current IPv4 Internet Protocol, therefore
current Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) equipment should provide trouble free performance.
Host PC System
• Pentium 4 system (or AMD equivalent) with 512 MB system memory.
• System motherboard without an embedded graphic card. Avoid using onboard video cards as they may
compete with other components for shared memory.
• High performance video card as either an AGP bus or PCI Express bus.
• Operating System: Windows 2000 SP1 and Windows XP are supported.
Network Adapters
• GigE network adapter (either add on card or on motherboard). The Intel PRO/1000 MT adapter is an
example of a high performance NIC. Typically a system will need an Ethernet GigE adapter to supplement
the single NIC on the motherboard.
• PCI Express adapters will outperform PCI adapters.
• Network adapters that support Jumbo Frames will outperform adapters with fixed packet size frames.
Laptop Information
• Laptop computers with built in GigE network adapters may still not be able to stream full frame rates
from Genie. Thorough testing is required with any laptop computer to determine the maximum frame rate
possible (see "
Laptop Computer Networking Issues" on page 111).
Ethernet Switch Requirements
When there is more than one device on the same network or a camera-to-PC separation greater than 100 meters, an
Ethernet switch is required. Since the Genie GigE camera complies with the Internet Protocol, it should work with
all standard Ethernet switches. However, switches offer a range of functions and performance grades, so care must
be taken to choose the right switch for a particular application. The following switches are expected to work with
the camera but manufacturers may change specifications and features at anytime:
• SMC (
http://www.smc.com/) TigerSwitch 86xxT family
Features Layer 2 with IGMP v2.0 that supports jumbo frames and multicast.
SMC EZ Switch (SMCGS8): low cost switch supporting jumbo frames.
• 3COM (
http://www.3com.com/) 3C1740x (3800 Family):
Features Layer 2 with IGMP v2.0 that supports multicast.
3COM 3C1770x (4900 Family):
Features Layer 2 non-blocking switch that converts multicast into a broadcast.
• Dlink (
http://www.dlink.com/) DGS-10xxTx 10/100/1000 family:
Features Layer 2 unmanaged switch that converts multicast into a broadcast.
DGS-3308FG & DGS-3308-TG
Features Layer 3 non-blocking switch that supports multicast.
• Cisco (
http://www.cisco.com/) WS-C3750G-12S-S:
Features: Layer 3 switch that supports multicast.