Fairchild Imaging, Inc., 1801 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035 • (800)325-6975 • (408) 433-2500
Each photosite element is 13µm (0.0051 inch) square. The total
active array length is 6.65mm (0.26 inch), 13.3mm (0.52 inch), and
26.6mm (1.04 inch) for the CAM 1250, CAM1350, and CAM1550,
respectively. The CAM1250 has a resolution of 512 elements. The
CAM1350 has a resolution of 1024 elements. The CAM1550 has a
resolution of 2048 elements.
All cameras are shipped with a removable Schott KG-1 infrared
blocking optical filter inserted in the camera faceplate lens open-
ing. The filter transmission convolved with the sensor spectral re-
sponse yields a camera response from about 400nm to 800nm,
with a peak response at about 600nm.
Cameras with a resolution of 512 or 1024 elements are supplied
with a removable C lens mounting ring for use with standard 1 inch
format CCTV lens. An Olympus or Nikkon Bayonet mount is pro-
vided for the 2048 element CAM1550, which is specified in the
camera order suffix code.