www.rletech.com 44 970.484.6510
4 Configuration Menu
Redial Interval: Establishes the number of minutes (1-255) to wait between redials. Enter 0 to
disable this function.
Dial Back on Returns: Determines whether to call the number again once the alarm condition
returns to normal.
Force Alarm Acknowledge Code: Establishes a code that acknowledges all unacknowledged
alarms. This acts as a master code and can override all other alarm acknowledge codes.
4.5.1 Configure Phone Numbers
Figure 4.8
Phone Number Configuration Page
This page is accessed through the Config Phone Number link at the bottom of the Modem
Configuration page. This screen allows users to configure pager and cell phone numbers that are
used for alarm notification.
Select Phone Type: Determines which type of device the F3400/F1000 calls. Select the Text
option to dial a PC receiving ASCII strings. Select Numeric Pager to dial a numeric pager.
Select the Alpha-numeric Pager option to dial an alpha-numeric pager.
Number: Enter the pager service number for numeric and alphanumeric pager entries. Each
comma after the pager number represents a two second delay. This delay is used to allow
enough time for the pager service to answer before requesting the pager ID. Typically only one
comma is needed. However, experimentation with the proper number of commas may be
necessary. In some cases, a 9 must be entered to access an outside line.