SPECIFICATION.......................................................................................................................... .............................................................2
INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................................................................................7
TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................................................ ................................................................................8
The Best Limited Warranty in the Business
• The maintenance free motors are permanently lubricated and are guaranteed for 7 years. They are factory balanced to prevent vibrations and
promote silent operation.
• All other components have a 5 year limited warranty. (filters not included)
• The limited warranty covers normal use. It does not apply to any defects, malfunctions or failures as a result of improper installation, abuse,
mishandling or misapplication, fortuitous occurrence or any other circumstances outside manufacturer's control.
• The warranty is in effect for 5 years on parts and 7 years on the motor after the date of purchase, including parts replaced during this time
period. If there is no proof of purchase available, the date associated with the serial number will be used for the beginning of the warranty
period. Parts are a 1 year warranty when replaced after the initial warranty has expired.
• This warranty is the exclusive and only warranty in effect and all other warranties either expressed or implied are invalid.
• Warranty from the manufacturer is for parts only and does not include labor or shipping to service or repair them.
Congratulations! You have purchased a very effective air cleaning and treatment system incorporating HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate
Arrestance) filter technology. This is the type of air cleaning equipment that respiratory specialists recommend most.
To optimize the performance of your HEPA Filtration System, it should be installed by a professional contractor who is familiar with your indoor
air quality situation and the operation of other heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment that you may have.
Model DM 3000P - Duct Mounted
Kit (Included): - installation manual