
Customising the Control Unit
501V standard settings
The following table shows the options configured by the six standard Type settings on the 501V Control Unit:
5413 Source Label Input Gain Comms C-video input S-video input FNSEL
●●●● CD CD A2 0dB 1 ===
●●●● Radio RD A3 2dB 2 ===
●●●● LP LP A1 2dB BL ==
●●●● TV TV A5 8dB v5 = 0
●●●● Tape1 T1 A4 2dB
●●●● Tape2 T2 A6 2dB ===
●● CDR CR A2 0dB ===
●● Cable Cb A5 8dB v4 = 1
●●● Text TX
= n/a v5 = 0
●●● VCR1 V1 A6 8dB v1 S1 2(1)†
●● VCR2 V2 A4 8dB v2 S2 2(1)†
●● LD LD A1 0dB v3
= 1
= Last valid input, displayed as LV (audio), Nv (video), NS (S-VHS), or NF (FNSEL). † 2 in Type 1, 1 in Type 3 or 4.
Types 2 and 6 have the same source configuration as Type 5.