
Calibrating the system
As you increase the delay the centre speaker will appear to
move away from you. In practice we usually find that the ideal
delay setting is +0.5 more than the value used to time-align the
For example, if the original value was
+1.0' adjust it to:
Centre +1.5'
This is equivalent to moving the centre speaker
/2 foot further
away from the listener.
You have now calibrated all the front speakers.
Press Store to proceed to the next calibration test.
This calibration test adjusts the relative phase between the front
speakers and the rear surround speakers.
After a short delay the display shows:
Surr R Phs +
Use A and V to change the phase of the right surround
Choose the correct setting as follows:
Setting What it sounds like
Correct A focused central image between the
right front and rear speakers.
Incorrect A diffuse, phasey image between the
two right speakers that changes as you
move your head.
This is a difficult setting to adjust, but is particularly important for
the Ambisonic and Super Stereo DSP modes.
Press Store to proceed to the next calibration test.