
DSP presets (continued)
defining 31
Direct 12, 41
Dolby Digital 9, 42
Dolby Digital THX 10, 42
DTS 9, 42
DTS Music 10, 40
DTS THX 10, 43
editing the name 31
MLP 10, 41
Mono 12, 36
MPEG 10, 42
MPEG Music 10, 41
Music 11, 37
Music Logic 12, 40
Pro Logic 10, 34
source association 30
Stereo 12, 41
Super Stereo 12, 39
THX Cinema 11, 35
Trifield 12, 37
TV Logic 11, 35
DTS DSP preset 9, 42
DTS encoding 9
DTS Music DSP preset 10, 40
DTS THX DSP preset 10, 43
Dynamic range control 43
5.1 Movie DSP presets 42
Five-channel surround system 3
Front panel
controls 14
display symbols 19
Glossary 47
Input (DSP parameter) 36
Integration of the centre,
changing 27
Introduction 1
LFE (DPS parameter) 43
Limit (DPS parameter) 43, 44
Lip sync, changing 29
LipSync (DSP parameter) 24
Listening position, moving to the
left or right 26
Locking the menus 22
Logic DSP presets 34
Max SPL (DPS parameter) 43, 44
Menus, locking and unlocking 22
Meridian 500 Series 2
500 Compact Disc Transport 4
504 FM Tuner 6
519 Demodulator 6
556 Stereo Power Amplifier 3
562 Digital Control Unit 5, 6
586 DVD Player 6
communications 2
DSP5000 Digital Loudspeakers 5
DSP5000C Digital Centre
Loudspeaker 5
DSP6000 Digital Loudspeakers 5
DSP6000C Digital Centre
Loudspeaker 5
M2500 Active Subwoofer 5
M60 Active Loudspeakers 3, 4
M60C Active Loudspeaker 3, 4
Meridian Analogue Theatre 4
Meridian Digital Theatre 5
Meridian Digital Theatre using
DSP6000 Loudspeaker 5
Meridian DSP Loudspeakers, using
with remote control 18, 23