Problem Possible causes Remedy
Surface quality not
Incorrect abrasive grit Select a fi ner grit.
Drying times of the repair compound not
Read the technical data sheets and manu-
facturer recommendations.
Suction power of PLANEX too strong Reduce the suction power of the PLANEX
Repair compound with a high percent-
age of fi ller, soft fi ller
Select a fi ner grit, e.g. P180.
Machine set down on the surface while
running (groove formation)
Place the machine in position and then
switch on.
Always use detachable brush segments
when working on surfaces.
Sanding grooves on
the surface
Hard sanding pad set down on the sur-
face at an angle.
Use sanding pad IP with interface pad.
Sanding pad is too hard or abrasive grit
too coarse for very soft repair com-
Use sanding pad IP with interface pad.
Select a fi ner abrasive grit (Brilliant 2 abra-
sive with grit up to P 320).
PLANEX switches
off during work – red
LED on the head of
the machine fl ashes
Dust fi lter on PLANEX clogged Clean the dust fi lter on the PLANEX.
Excessive pressure -> machine activates
overheating protection
Allow the machine to cool and apply less
pressure; in extreme cases, switch on the
external extraction system and set the ex-
traction control to setting 6.
PLANEX does not
Electrical plug is not connected cor-
Check that the electrical plug is inserted
If other problems other than those listed occur, please contact your Festool service workshop or your
local specialist dealer.