
FS-8700-12_DH+ Manual Page 13 of 14
6. Driver Notes
6.1. Continuous Map Descriptors
RS View has been known to crash if it tries to read a server mapping that is discontinuous.
e.g. Server map 1: N21: 0-31
Server map 2: N21: 32-100
This will panic the FieldServer and crash RS view as the DH+ will attempt to map N21:
If set up as: Server Map 1: N21: 0-100
No problems are experienced
6.2. Checksum
When selecting checksum options for DH+ devices communicating to the FieldServer, take
note that BCC (Block Check Sum) is supported, whereas CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
is not.
6.3. DH+ as FieldServer Server
If the FieldServer is to be polled by the DH+ network, then it is important to declare the
station address in the “FieldServer” portion of the configuration file.
e.g. FieldServer
Title, System_Station_Address
DCC099 Primserv.csv v3.00u, 11
This sets the FieldServer address to 11. The Node_ID on the server side must then be the
same as the station address declared.
6.4. Command Support
The following commands are supported by the FieldServer for the various PLC types:
PLC_Type File_type FNC Read FNC Write
N 1 Range Read 0 Range Write N7: 3, L5
F 1 Range Read 0 Range Write F12: 3, L5
B 1 Range Read 2 Bit Write B3/4: 5, l5
N 1 Range Read 0 Range Write N7: 3 , L5
F 1 Range Read 67 Typed Write F12: 3, L5
B 1 Range Read 26 Read Modify Write B3/4: 5, L5
N A2
Protected Typed
Logical Read
Protected Typed
Logical Write
N7: 3, L5
F A2
Protected Typed
Logical Read
Protected Typed
Logical Write
B3/4: 5, L7
B A2
Protected Typed
Logical Read
Protected Typed
Logical Write
B3/4: 5, L8
I A2
Protected Typed
Logical Read
- - I: 13, L5
O A2
Protected Typed
Logical Read
- - O: 13, L5