FS-8700-64 ATMI ACM Page 13 of 22
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6.2 Driver Stats
The ATMI ACM Driver counts all incoming bytes as the ‘PLC Byte Received’ statistic. This can
be viewed on the connection detail and overview screen. Typically this count will increase by
approx 2500 bytes per full screen of area data.
IN addition the driver reports one count of ‘PLC READ MSG RECD’ statistic for each map
descriptor used to store information from a complete message. Typically this count will increase
by 5 if you are storing l slot & port alarms & warnings and the gas value.
If a complete message is received but no map descriptor is found to store any of the data the
data then the MSG IGNORED statistic will be incremented by one.
6.3 Exposing Driver Stats
IN addition to the normal FieldServer statistics this driver can expose some statistics and
diagnotic information in a data rray so that it may be read or reset by a remote device.
A special map descriptor is required. The driver recognizes the map descriptor by its name
which must be "ATMI-stats" .
The following example shows how this special map descriptor can be configured.
Node_name, Protocol
null_node, ATMI
Data_Array_Name , Data_Format, Data_Array_Length
STAT-DATA , UINT32 , 400
Map_block_Name, Data_Array_Name, Node_name
ATMI-stats , STAT_DATA , null_node
When the driver sees this map descriptor it uses the data array STAT_DATA (in this example)
to store driver specific statistics. Only one of these map descriptors may be specified per
The array position is dependent on the port number. The offset is calculated by multiply the port
number by 30. Thus port 2 data will start at element 60.