McQuay Micro Tech Open Protocol Driver Manual Page 9 of 35
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web: www.fieldServer.com
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 2269 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email: support@fieldServer.com
4.4. Client Side Map Descriptors
4.4.1. FieldServer Related Map Descriptor Parameters
Column Title Function Legal Values
Map_Descriptor_Name Name of this Map Descriptor
Up to 32 alphanumeric
Name of Data Array where
data is to be stored in the
One of the Data Array names
from “Data Array” section
Data_Array_Offset Starting location in Data Array
0 to maximum specified in
“Data Array” section above
Function of Client Map
Rdbc, Wrbc, Wrbx
4.4.2. Driver Related Map Descriptor Parameters
Column Title Function Legal Values
Node_Name Name of Node to fetch data from
One of the node
names specified in
“Client Node
Descriptor” above
Length of Map Descriptor. Only one data field can be
read or written per poll/response sequence, thus driver
assumes a length of 1.
Set to 1 except
when reading a
direct address.
The name of the data field of interest. Each address
with meaningful data in the McQuay device has a
name. The field names are defined in a specification
for each device type. If the field name is unknown, the
Address can be defined. Refer to Appendix A.4 for
further information.
‘Everything’ or
select a field name
from Table 2
If set to No then the driver stores the raw values, if set
to Yes, the data is scaled before storing. The device
scaling applied is shown in Table
. Note that
‘Device_Scaling’ has no meaning when writing to a
McQuay device.
Yes, No
4.4.3. Timing Parameters
Column Title Function Legal Values
Scan_Interval Rate at which data is polled >0.1s