FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
0 Number of Read Table messages sent
1 Number of Read Variable messages sent
2 Number of Write Table messages sent
3 Number of Write Var Messages sent
4 Number of bytes sent by client driver
5 Number of messages sent by client
6 Number of response messages received by client
Number of times client tries write with alternate format because original
method failed
9 Most recent response error
8 Number of times client receives an error response
10 Carrier Error: #1 Invalid Command"
11 Carrier Error: #2 Invalid or Non-Existent Table"
12 Carrier Error: #3 Level II communications Error"
13 Carrier Error: #4 Error not defined"
14 Carrier Error: #5 Error not defined"
15 Carrier Error: #6 Device Not Configured"
16 Carrier Error: #7 Variable Does not Exist"
17 Carrier Error: #8 Invalid Data"
18 Carrier Error: #9 Access Restricted"
19 Carrier Error: #10 Limits Exceeded"
20 Carrier Error: #11 Alarms not Available"
21 Carrier Error: #12 Cannot Force Variable"
22 Carrier Error: #13 Parameter Not Found"
23 Carrier Error: #14 Level II Communications NACK"
24 Some other error
25 Number of response bytes received by client
26 Number of times client has timeout out waiting for (response) prompt
When set then the server sends response whose var names have leading
spaces. This is used for QAA testing and diagnostic purposes only.
Customers should never set this value.
28 Number of times client cannot parse / recognize the value sting in a response
29 Number of times the server had to store a time greater than 24:00
30 Number of times the client sent a message with a time greater than 24:00
Number of times the client sent a message to a probable occupancy table
without the correct data types