FS-8700-84_Lutron_eLumen Driver Manual Page 16 of 36
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4.1.15. System Monitor Command – Wallstation Status
// Client side Map Descriptors
Map_Descriptor_Name, Scan_Interval, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, GRAFIK_command, link, link_station, Length
Wall_st_sts_0000, 1s, Wall_st_sts_00, 0, rdbc, LUT_GRF6_0, wallstation_status, 0, 0, 32
Wall_st_sts_0001, 1s, Wall_st_sts_00, 32, rdbc, LUT_GRF6_0, wallstation_status, 0, 1, 32
Data storage in Data Array
Position from offset Description
0-31 All switches on station and their priority.
Note: This command stores 32 data values. To prevent overlaps, remember to increment Data_Array_Offset by 32 when referencing the same
Data Array with other Map Descriptors.
Implementation note: The wallstation status command retrieves the status of all 32 switches defined on a wallstation. If you only want to retrieve
the status of a few individual switches, rather only use the switch status Map Descriptor as described below.
4.1.16. System Monitor Command – Switch Status
// Client side Map Descriptors
Map_Descriptor_Name, Scan_Interval, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, GRAFIK_command, link, link_station, switch, Length
Sw_sts_000, 1s, Sw_sts_00, 0, rdbc, LUT_GRF6_0, switch_status, 0, 0, 0, 1
Sw_sts_001, 1s, Sw_sts_00, 1, rdbc, LUT_GRF6_0, switch_status, 0, 0, 1, 1
Data storage in Data Array
Position from offset Description
0 Switch status and priority
Note: This command stores 1 data value. To prevent overlaps, remember to increment Data_Array_Offset by 1 when referencing the same Data
Array with other Map Descriptors.
Implementation note: The switch status command only retrieves the status of one switch on a wallstation. To retrieve other switch statuses, use
additional switch status Map Descriptors or else use the wallstation status Map Descriptor to retrieve the status of all 32 switches. When using
both wallstation status and switch status Map Descriptors in the same configuration, it is not permissible to have the target Data Arrays overlap.