FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 11 of 24
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4.4.4. Map Descriptor Example 1 - Binary Output (Zone and Area Machine)
A write to the Binary Output Data Array which is shared by a BACNet IP Map Descriptor will execute one of two scripts on the
eLumen panel. The script numbers corresponding to binary inactive (0) and active (1) are specified in the Data Array specified by
“DA_Lut_List” from offset specified by “DA_Lut_List_Offset”. Script numbers range from 0 to 65535.
BACnet IP Map Descriptor
// Client Side Map Descriptors
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_name, Data_Type, Object_ID, Length, Relinquish_Default
SMD00_BO, Binary_Output, 0, Server, Virtual_BCU_11, BO, 1, 512, 0
Lutron Machine Map Descriptor
// Client Side Map Descriptors
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_name, Grafik_Command, DA_Lut_List, DA_Lut_List_Offset, Length
Run_Script_0, Binary_Output, 0, AWT, LUT_GRF6_0, run_script_AB, Script_list_BO, 0, 512
The Data Array specified under “DA_Lut_List” must be preloaded with script numbers as shown below:
// Binary Output Scripts Setup
// All values are in decimal (0 - 65535)
// ScriptA in even locations, ScriptB in uneven locations, values in Preload_Data_Value
// ScriptA will be run when writing zero into the Object ID
// ScriptB will be run when writing non-zero into the object ID
Data_Array_Name , Preload_Data_Format , Preload_Data_Value , Location
// Binary Output Object ID 1
Script_list_BO , Uint16 , 1 , 0
Script_list_BO , Uint16 , 2 , 1
// Binary Output Object ID 2
Script_list_BO , Uint16 , 3 , 2
Script_list_BO , Uint16 , 4 , 3