FS-8700-49_Data_Aire_DAP Page 31 of 48
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Appendix B.8. Advanced Map Descriptor Example 4: - Using DA_Assoc
// Client Side Map Descriptors
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_name Address Length DA_Func DA_Field DA_Assoc Scan_Interval
A1, DA_AI3, 0, RDBC Node_A, 0, 1, dap80-menu All, 1 5
A2, DA_AI3, 1, passive, Node_A 0, 1, dap80-menu alm_delay_1, 1 5
A3, DA_AI3, 2, passive, Node_A 0, 1, dap80-menu alm_delay_2, 1 5
A4, DA_AI3, 3, passive, Node_A 0, 1, dap80-menu alm_delay_3, 1 5
A8, DA_AI4, 0, WRBC, Node_A 0, 1, dap80-menu nom_h_setpt, 2 5
A9, DA_AI4, 1, passive, Node_A 0, 1, dap80-menu t_setpt,, 2 5
Appendix B.9. Advanced Map Descriptor: Example 5 - Using a special / diagnostic command.:
// Client Side Map Descriptors
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, Address, Length, DA_Func, Scan_Interval
A1, UNUSED_ARRAY, 0, WRB, No_Node, 0, 1, All-Listen, 5
A 'Read' and some
passive Map
Descriptors to extract
other data fields from
the same read.
Read must precede the
Potential confusion
for the FieldServer
because the node
and the DA_Func's
are the same for all
the Map Descriptors.
Solve this problem
using DA_Assoc.
DA_Assoc associates the passives
with the correct active Map Descriptor.
Map Descriptors A2, 3, 4 are
associated with A1 by the value of
Map Descriptor A9 is associated with
A8 by the value of DA_Assoc=2
A Data Array must be
associated with the Map
Descriptor even though it
will not be used. It may be
any data type.
This command is sent
only once. To do this
periodically change this
to wrbc.
Must connect this Map Descriptor to a node
whose Node_ID is zero. For example.
Protocol, Port
Unit1, 0, Daire, R1
This is a special /
dianostic command. It
causes a one byte
message to be sent.