SlotServer Start-Up Guide Page 11 of 14
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Appendix B. Troubleshooting
Appendix B.1. Things to check when communications fail.
Check for loose cabling on the third party network
Verify that the correct program is loaded to the CPU
Verify that the correct data types for the tags have been used.
Appendix B.2. Timeout Errors on SlotServer
The following remedial action is suggested if timeout errors are experienced:
The PLC is not set to RUN mode - it may still be in PRG mode. Resolve by putting the PLC into RUN mode.
The IO image connection has not been established successfully. The F screen should show some error
messages also. Refer to the Slotserver Configuration Manual, and insert the correct size and RPI values
when adding the SlotServer in RSLogix5000.
Appendix B.3. Data Transfer
It is important that the PLC is set to Run – data is only transferred on Run.
The SlotServer’s Logix connection will transfer data to the PLC regardless of the Node status of the Client
Nodes. The Logix connection will not be broken if a Client Node goes offline. Node status can be
confirmed by checking the Node Status bits.
Appendix B.4. ASIC Error on Soft Restart
If the SlotServer is restarted using Ruinet (!) while the PLC is running, the SlotServer will try to reset the ASIC chip.
When it finds it is unable to do this it will produce the following Error message and continue to cycle power to the
SlotServer creating an endless loop.
Under these circumstances it is recommended that the PLC is stopped before the SlotServer is restarted.