Transducer Block
Diagnostics In addition to the BLOCK_ERR and XD_ERROR parameters, more
detailed information on the measurement status can be obtained via
TB_ELECTRONICS_STATUS. Table 4-4 lists the potential errors and
the possible corrective actions for the given values. The corrective
actions are in order of increasing system level compromises. Reset the
transmitter and then, if the error persists, try the steps in Table 4-4.
Start with the first corrective action and then try the second.
TABLE 4-4. TB_ELECTRONICS_STATUS Descriptions and Corrective Actions.
Value Name and Description Corrective Actions
0x00000002 SW_DETECTED_ERR: The device software has detected a software
(typically math) error.
Restart the processor.
If condition persists, send to the
service center.
0x00000004 COPROCESSOR_ERR: The coprocessor has detected a math or
instruction error.
Restart the processor.
If condition persists, send to the
service center.
0x00000008 ASIC_NOT_RESPONDING: The transducer has detected an A/D
(analog-to-digital) ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) general
Restart the processor.
If condition persists, send to the
service center.
0x00000010 INTERRUPT_ERROR: The transducer block has detected that the
coprocessor ASIC has stopped interrupting for service.
Restart the processor.
If condition persists, send to the
service center.
0x00000020 COPROC_RAM_ERR: The coprocessor has detected a RAM error at
Restart the processor.
If condition persists, send to the
service center.
0x00000040 COPROC_ROM_ERR: The coprocessor has detected a ROM error at
Restart the processor.
If condition persists, send to the
service center.
0x00000080 UPDATE_MISSED: The transducer has detected that a flow update
from the coprocessor was missed.
If condition persists, send to the
service center.
0x00000100 TRIGGER_OVERRANGE: The transducer has detected that the
configuration for the filter trigger level is out of range.
Verify the filter trigger level
If condition persists, send to the
service center.
0x00000200 LOW_PASS_OVERRANGE: The transducer has detected that the
configuration for the low pass filter is out of range.
Verify the low-pass filter configuration.
If condition persists, send to the
service center.
0x00000400 LOW_FLOW_OVERRANGE: The transducer has detected that the
configuration for the low-flow cutoff is out of range.
Verify the low-flow cutoff
If condition persists, send to the
service center.
0x00000800 SD2_COMM_ERR: There has been a communications error detected
in on-board messaging.
Re-start the processor.
If condition persists, send to the
service center.
0x04000000 FLOW_SIGNAL_INJECT: The transducer block is receiving its flow
signal from an external signal generator.
Informational only.
0x08000000 FLOW_EMULATION_MODE: The transducer block is receiving its flow
signal from the internal signal generator.
Informational only.
0x10000000 SENSOR_OVERRANGE: The transducer has detected a flow level that
exceeds the upper sensor range. The status associated with the
primary value (PV) and secondary value (SV) should also be BAD.
Reduce flow to prevent damage to the
0x20000000 PV_OVERRANGE: The transducer has detected a flow level that
exceeds the PV upper range. The status associated with the PV and
SV should also be UNCERTAIN. The flow is still measurable, but
accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reduce flow below the PV upper
range value.
0x40000000 IN_LOW_FLOW_CUTOFF: The transducer has detected that the flow
has dropped below the configured low-flow cutoff value. The reported
flow value will now damp to zero.
Informational only