1035/El-O-Matic Actuator
Instruction Manual
Form 5417
February 2007
construction does not use the
adjustment screw, install the drive
shaft, and go to step 6 below.
5. Note the alignment of the cam with respect to the
housing adjustment screw while installing the shaft
into the body. Install the drive shaft.
6. Install the washer, thrust washer, and spring clip
(keys 27, 21 and 35) onto the drive shaft. Use the
pin spanner carefully to install the spring clip.
7. Go to the Installing Pistons steps below.
P Series Actuators (without a Type 1080) use a
Limit Stop Plate (see figure 4) for travel stops. The
cam for the travel stops is mounted on the actuator
after the actuator is fully assembled.
1. Replace the top and bottom shaft bearings in the
actuator body. Install the O-ring and guide bushing
in the shaft. The guide bushing may have to be
cleaned of grease, rolled tightly around the drive
shaft and held in place while inserting into the
actuator housing.
2. Insert the small end of the drive shaft (key 5) into
the bottom of the actuator housing.
3. Install the thrust washer, and spring clip (keys 21
and 20) onto the drive shaft. Use the pin spanner
carefully to install the spring clip.
Installing Pistons
Figure 7 shows the alignment of the slot in the top of
the shaft with the pistons for code A constructions.
See figure 3 for piston and slot alignment for other
1. Install the O-ring and guide bushing on both
pistons. For P Series actuators: you will need to
install the gear racks on the pistons if they were
2. Lightly lubricate parts and inside of actuator bore
before final assembly.
3. If you have not already done so, follow the steps
in the Installing the Drive Shaft section.
4. Very carefully align the pistons square to the
actuator housing.
5. Align the drive shaft so that the teeth on the
center gear will “pick-up” the piston assembly rack
teeth when turning the top extension of the center
gear clockwise.
To ensure proper meshing of teeth, rotate the index
mark on the drive shaft 45 degrees beyond the open
mark on the top of the housing.
Figure 3 shows the different
orientation of the piston in relationship
to the slot in the shaft, versus the
actuator body.
6. With the piston assemblies in the actuator body,
gently push them simultaneously into the housing.
Turn the top shaft extension clockwise. At the proper
point of engagement between the center gear and
piston assemblies, both piston assemblies will move
toward the center of the housing.
7. Once the drive shaft and pistons are properly
engaged, ensure smooth movement at 90 degree
operation can occur without moving the pistons out
of the actuator body. Do this by turning the top shaft
extension to the closed position and back a few
8. If not already done, replace the washer over the
top shaft extension. Install the spring clip onto the
mating groove on the top shaft extension with a pin
9. Replace the actuator end caps taking care to
properly seal them with O-rings. Use the metric hex
keys to replace the socket head screws.
10. The adjustment screw and nut, if applicable,
should now be set to stop travel at the desired
Changing Rotation Direction
Use the disassembly and assembly procedures
provided in this section. In general, you will be
removing the pistons, turning them 180 degrees and
reinstalling them. This action changes the direction
of rotation. In figure 3, compare Code A and Code D
piston positions.