
Battery Level Meter
Power Switch
Ground Plate
Figure 2. Transmitter
Power Switch: Pull out switch turns on power.
Ground Plate Jack: Used with the optional Ground Plate Assembly
for the Conductive Trace Mode.
Battery Level Meter: Gives a visual indication of battery strength.
Replace batteries if below 5 on meter.
1. Turn either instrument (Transmitter and Receiver) over
on its face and remove access plate with coin or large
blade screwdriver.
2. Lift the battery pack out carefully. Turn the battery
pack slightly, unsnap the battery connector and slip
off the sleeve. Change all eight batteries. Slip the
sleeve back on, then reattach the connector to the
pack. Slip the battery pack back into its compartment
and do a battery test. Refasten the access plate.
Both the transmitter and receiver will work from 30 to
40 hours on a set of 8 standard quality, carbon-zinc
batteries. Alkaline batteries will give substantially
longer life and in cold weather will perform much
better than standard carbon zinc batteries.
NOTE: As supplied from the factory, the battery pack is
surrounded by a plastic sleeve to retain the batteries during
possible rough handling and shipping. As a precaution, always
reinstall the sleeve after battery replacement.
Figure 10. Changing Batteries
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