
Open the box and check that all the accessories listed below are included. The page numbers
listed next to the part names are the page numbers where that part is explained in detail.
œ Hand-strap [page 14] œ Soft case [page 14] œ CompactFlash
(8MB) and
protective case*
œ 4 AA nickel metal
[page 21]
œ Nickel metal hydride battery charger and
power cord [page 21]
Model VAR-NC1 Model NC-LC03WSA
One of these is supplied.
œ AV cable [page 94] œ Computer serial
port interface cable
[page 126]
œ Adaptor for
Macintosh computer*
[page 126]
œ USB interface cable
[page 126]
œ Software: 2 CD-ROMs
* Not supplied with the VPC-SX560E.
Media Cards that Can Be Used with this Digital Camera
This digital camera stores the captured images and recorded voice memos on the storage media
card inserted inside the digital camera. The number of images and amount of recording time that
can be stored on one card depends on the capacity of the card used and the recording conditions.
The types of card that can be inserted into and used with this digital camera are given below.
œ CompactFlash
œ Microdrive
There are special precautions that must be followed when using Microdrive cards. Before
using Microdrive cards, carefully read “Cautions when using the Microdrive” (page 135).
The Use of “Card” in this Manual
œ In this manual, CompactFlash and Microdrive cards that can be used in this digital camera are
referred to as “card.”
œ The cards in the illustrations in this manual are CompactFlash cards, but all installation,
removal, and formatting procedures are the same for both the CompactFlash and Microdrive