To achieve optimum cooking performance, use heavy gauge, flat, smooth bottom pans that
conform to the diameter of the cooking area.
To get the best results out of your cooktop/hob follow these simple suggestions :
Preheat the cookware on the cooktop/hob before adding food.
Cookware with a stainless steel sandwich base or enamelled cast iron will give you
the best results.
When food comes to the boil reduce the temperature setting.
Never use plastic or aluminium foil dishes on the cooktop.
Aluminium and copper-bottomed cookware can cause a metallic residue to remain on the
cooktop. If left, this becomes difficult to remove. Clean the cooktop after every use.
Match the bottom of your saucepans with the cooking zone. This will give you the
most efficient cooking.
A saucepan with a flat base will make better contact with the element resulting
in shorter cooking times.
Jagged edges on saucepans or heavy frypans will scratch the cooktop/hob.
Using a lid will reduce cooking times.
Suitable Unsuitable
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