Using a wok
When using a wok on the centre burner, simply
turn over the pan support. One side provides
a flat surface for flat based pots while the other
side has stems specifically designed to support
a wok. Care should be taken when using a large
wok that other pots are not pushed sideways
enough to become unstable or deflect heat onto
nearby walls.
To avoid burns or scalds, do not attept to handle the pan support while it is hot. Wait
until the pan support is cool before turning it over.
Using saucepans
Generally, larger saucepans are more efficient. It is a good idea to match the size of your
pan with the cooking zone of the burner and always make sure pans are stable. Do not let
large saucepans or frying pans overlap the bench as this can defect heat onto your benchtop
and damage the surface.
Using the simmermat
The Simmermat helps you control the
temperature of your cooking surface to ensure
the long slow simmering that is needed for
successfully cooking delicate foods. Use at low
heat only. Always remember it is a simmering
utensil and exposure to extreme heat may
distort it.
To use the simmermat
first cook the food, or bring to a boil, over high heat.
Then reduce the heat and carefully place the Simmermat over the flame with the points facing
upward. Put your saucepan on top of the points and simmer on the low flame setting.
Always turn the burner off before moving the Simmermat and handle the hot
Simmermat with tongs and/or pot holders to prevent burns.
Flip top wok
(Titan models only)
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