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6.7 Lower Kick Strip Removal
6.7.1 Remove the top kick strip as per instructions in 6.6.
6.7.2 Insert a flat blade screwdriver into the two inserts in the trim above
the lower kick strip and twist.
6.7.3 This will unclip the lower kick strip from the chassis.
6.7.4 Refit by locating the lower kick strip pins into the chassis clips and
foot retainer clips.
6.7.5 Push on the face of the lower kick strip to locate home the lower
kickstrip pins.
6.8 Wiring Cover Removal
6.8.1 Remove the drawer front as per instructions in 6.1.
6.8.2 Unclip the front two legs of the wiring cover from under the
electronic controller and the front left hand side of the tub.
6.8.3 Release the three clips on the underside of the tub which retain the
wiring cover.
6.8.4 The wiring cover may now be moved forward to release it from the
link assembly at the rear.
6.8.5 To reassemble first ensure that the wiring harnesses, drain hose and
fill hose are clipped into their correct position.
6.8.6 Then refit in reverse manner.
6.9 Filter Plate Removal
6.9.1 Remove the lower racks from the tub.
6.9.2 Remove the drain filter assembly.
6.9.3 Rotate the filter plate locknut anti-clockwise to release the filter plate
from the rotor assembly.
6.9.4 Lift the filter plate clear.
6.9.5 Refit in reverse manner.
6.10 Rotor Assembly Removal
6.10.1 Remove filter plate as per instructions 6.9.
6.10.2 Rotate the rotor locking ring anti clockwise to release it from the
motor assembly.
6.10.3 This assembly is not serviceable.
6.10.4 Refit in reverse manner.