ABC washing guide
Tablecloths We recommend using the SHEETS cycle to properly care for large flat items
such as table cloths. Choose SHEETS.
Tea Towels To ensure that bacteria is removed from items such as tea towels we
recommend that you wash these items on the HYGIENE cycle. Dry these
items either in direct sunlight or on the hottest setting in the dryer that the
fabric will handle. Choose LIFESTYLE, FAMILY, then HYGIENE.
Throws Choose BULKY cycle, then THROWS.
Towels Towels can be washed on REGULAR, High Efficiency mode. Choose
Waterproof Items
eg. baby bibs,
These items can float, and can be difficult to wash. We recommend wiping
as much dirt from the item with a damp cloth prior to placing in the
washer. Select a Conventional cycle (refer to page 9).
Whites Whites can require some extra care to stay at their whitest. We recommend
washing your white garments separately, using the WHITES cycle. Choose
Woollens Woollen garments require extra care. Ensure that your wool items are
labelled ‘Machine Washable’. Use a small amount of gentle wool detergent,
together with the WOOL cycle to keep your woollens looking great. Lay
woollen items flat on an absorbent surface, eg. a towel, to dry. Choose
Wool Duvets We do not recommend that you wash ‘dry clean only’ wool duvet inners in
your AquaSmart™ washer.
Wet Items The Spin Only cycle is perfect for removing water from wet garments, eg.
after hand washing or when items have been left out on the washing line
in the rain. Choose SPIN ONLY.
Zippers Clothing items with multiple zippers can cause damage to other garments.
Wash these separately on a Conventional DELICATE cycle (refer to page 9).