to Play and Learn!
With demo cards (included)
• Slide the mode switch to Find.
• Quizard asks you to find a card. Find the wild animal that begins with "z".
• Slide the correct card into the "magic mirror" to learn a cool fact.
• If you are not sure, press the hint
? button at any time and the "magic mirror" will give you a hint.
• If you guess wrong, Quizard asks you to try again and the "magic mirror" gives a hint.
Using Card Pack Cards (sold separately)
• If you are using cards from a card pack (sold separately), insert
the "book" cartridge into the slot in Quizard's base before you
begin "Find."
• Quizard asks you to find a card from your card pack.
• Be sure to use the "book" cartridge that matches the color
of your cards.
With demo cards (included)
• Slide the mode switch to Read Your Mind.
• Quizard asks you to pick any card.
• Push Quizard's hat down over his eyes so he can't see. Pick a wild animal card, any
wild animal card!
• Quizard asks questions about the card you chose. Does your wild animal have stripes?
• Press the "yes" button if the answer is yes. Press the "no" button if the answer is no.
• If you're not sure of the answer, press the hint
? button. The "magic mirror" asks you to put your
card into the mirror. He'll give you a hint so you can answer. Remove the card from the "mirror."
• Lift up Quizard's hat so he can see if he was right. Try another card.
Using Card Pack Cards (sold separately)
• If you are using cards from a card pack (sold separately), insert the "book" cartridge into the
slot in Quizards base before you begin "Read Your Mind."
• Quizard tries to guess a card you've chosen from your card pack.
• Be sure to use the "book" cartridge that matches the color of your cards.
Your Mind
Your Mind