Tip over tractors in the field!
• Use the joystick to move your car
around the eld.
• Drive into the tractors to tip them over.
Score points for every tractor you tip.
Look at your score!
• Don’t get run over by Frank or you’ll
lose a life. Press a red handlebar
button to jump.
• Tip over as many tractors as you can
and advance to the next level! Each
level has more obstacles to avoid.
• When you’re nished with this activity,
press the exit button
to return to
the road. Pedal to the next activity.
• Use the joystick to scroll through
decorations for your car. Press a red
handlebar button to make
your selection
• When you’re nished with this activity,
press the exit button to return to
the road. Pedal to the next activity.