Input Gain
For the cleanest possible signal, adjust the Input Gain so that the Clip / Low Battery LED barely flickers with
strong playing. If the Clip LED lights up brightly as you play, your bass signal is overdriving the circuit and
you will hear distortion. Not every instrument will have enough signal to engage the Clip light on your
Platinum. This is perfectly acceptable.
Clip / Low Battery Indicator
This light has three distinct functions:
1. Power Up Indicator
The LED flashes briefly when you plug into the input—it is telling you that the unit is powering up.
2. Clip Indicator
Flashes brightly when your bass signal overloads the preamp. Adjust the Input Gain so that the Clip LED
barely flashes with strong playing.
3. Low Battery Warning
When the red LED lights with no signal present it is time to change the battery. If the Low Battery light
comes on while you’re playing don’t worry, you’ll have enough power to get through a gig (at least 4 hours).
For the cleanest sound, set the Volume as high as you can without distorting your amp or mixer.
This allows you to alter the attack, sustain and dynamics of your bass. Set the Input Gain before you turn on
the compressor (compression is off at 7:00).