Note: Probe parameters are uploaded to the INFO-CON connector at this point.
7.8.17 Filter
The digital filter helps to smooth variations in the measurements and improve
resolution. A negative effect of filtering is that it tends to slow the response to
changes in temperature. You can increase the filter time constant to further im
prove accuracy and resolution or decrease the time constant to reduce the re
sponse time. Valid values are any number between 0.0 and 60.0 seconds. A
value of 0.0 disables the filter. The default is 0.0. Use the Up and Down but
tons to set the value and press the ENT button to store and continue. Press
CLR to move to the next function without changing the filter.
7.8.18 MCal
This function shows the date the 1521 was calibrated and allows it to be set.
The date is used simply for reference. Use the Up and Down buttons to set
each date segment and the ENT button to move to the next date segment on the
right. Press ENT when the date is correctly entered. Press CLR to move to the
next function without changing the date.
7.8.19 MDue
This function shows the date the 1521 is due for calibration and allows it to be
set. The meter calibration due date is regularly checked against the present date
and if the calibration has expired the user is alerted with the message “Mtr cal
expired”. The message will only disappear when the 1521 is recalibrated and
the meter calibration due date is set to a future date. To set the meter calibration
due date use the Up and Down buttons to set each date segment and the ENT
button to move to the next date segment to the right. Press ENT when the date
is correctly entered. Press CLR to move to the next function without changing
the date.
7.8.20 CAL1 and CAL2
The CAL1 and CAL2 meter calibration parameters calibrate the 0 to 500Ω
measurement range and the 0 to 500 kΩ measurement range respectively. These
parameters directly affect the accuracy of the 1521 and are only to be altered by
an authorized, qualified technician as part of a regular instrument calibration
operation. Refer to the calibration procedure in Section 9. Use the Up and
Down buttons to set the value and press the ENT button to store and continue.
Press CLR to move to the next function without changing the date.
1521 Handheld Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide