General Information
Section 1
General Information
1.1 Introduction
This user's manual describes a set of MRI phantoms that were manufactured based on the AAPM
recommendations and their use in measuring the MRI system performance. These phantoms were
designed to measure them conveniently and quickly. The AAPM recommended image parameters
described in this document are:
• Image uniformity
• Resonance frequency
• Slice position/separation
• Spatial linearity
• Phase related image artifacts
• Signal-to-noise
• Slice thickness
• Spatial resolution
This set of parameters is measured for monitoring the sensitivity and geometric characteristics of MR
imaging clinical systems as specified in the AAPM document.
Two phantoms were designed to meet the AAPM specifications. This manual describes a set of test
procedures associated with the phantoms that can be used to evaluate the performance of clinical
magnetic resonance imaging systems. These procedures and tests, which are described in the AAPM
document, can be used to establish absolute performance standards as well as routine quality assurance
The manual does not include procedures to measure any T1, T2, or proton density, because at the
present time there are no commonly accepted standard methods for determining T1, T2, and proton
density from image data and because the assessment of these parameters is not currently a part of
clinical practice.
1.2 Phantom Description
AAPM specifications provide a framework of requirements for MRI phantoms and their use, but it defines
neither how phantoms should be constructed nor how inserts are to be organized. The AAPM MR
Phantoms take into consideration a number of factors that maximize convenience and time efficiency for
the user. The phantoms were designed to provide maximum amount of information in a reproducible
manner with the shortest data acquisition time.
The set consists of two phantoms: a three dimensional resolution and slice (3DRAS) phantom and an
uniformity and linearity (UAL) phantom