General Information
Section 1
General Information
1.1 Introduction
The Model 90100 TRACKER is a radiation measurement system intended for use in quality assurance
programs for high-energy accelerators and Co
machines. While its ease of operation makes it ideal for
daily checks of beam constancy, symmetry, and flatness, its portability makes it a good choice for field
service engineers and consulting physicists. The two main components of the system are the Model
35360A TRACKER Display, and the Model 35300A Detector, see Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1. Model 35360A TRACKER Display and Model 35300A Detector
The 35360A TRACKER Display contains a five-channel electrometer capable of producing
measurements of both dose and dose rate. A microcontroller performs air density corrections and
displays the measurement results on the 4 line by 20 character vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) directly
in the user's choice of radiological units. An integrated rechargeable battery and a 300 V electronic bias
supply greatly simplify maintenance of the system. Another important feature built into the 35360A
TRACKER Display includes the capability for fully remote and automated operation via an RS-232
computer interface (software is not included).
The 35300A Detector contains an array of four orthogonally placed ion chambers on 10 cm radii from a
fifth isocentrally located ion chamber. The five ion chambers are of a vented, circular, parallel-plate
configuration and are fully guarded for low leakage. An overlay label on the outside of the 35300A
Detector marks the ion chamber locations for alignment with a therapy source light field system. The
35300A Detector connects to the 35360A TRACKER Display through a lightweight interface cable. This