
and care
the wiper blades
If the wiper blades do not wipe
properly, clean the wiper blade
rubber element with undiluted
windshield wiper solution or a mild
detergent. To avoid damaging the
blades, do not use fuel, kerosene,
paint thinner or other solvents.
If the wiper still does not wipe
properly, this could be caused by
substances on the windshield such
as tree sap and some hot wax
treatments used by commercial car
washes. Clean the outside of the
windshield with a nonĆabrasive
cleanser such as the nonĆabrasive
BonĆAmir powder. Rinse
thoroughly with clean water. Do
not use abrasive cleansers on glass
as they may cause scratches. The
windshield is clean if beads do not
form when you rinse it with water.
The windshield and wiper blades
should be cleaned on a regular
basis, and blades or rubber
elements replaced when worn.