
307-01-9 307-01-9Automatic Transaxle/Transmission
ASSEMBLY (Continued)
38. Install the intermediate servo piston and spring. 41. Using a depth micrometer with an 8-inch
extension, measure from the top of the gauge
Lubricate the servo bore with clean
bar to center support ledge in case at 4 places
automatic transmission fluid.
90 degrees apart.
Add the 4 measurements, divide by 4, and
record as dimension A.
39. Using the special tool, install the retaining ring.
42. CAUTION: The torque specifications
are critical for this procedure. Failure to use
the correct torque specifications may cause
transmission damage.
Install the special tool.
1 Install the special tool and the bolts using
the 2 pump screw locations at
approximately 6 and 12 o’clock positions.
X Tighten to 15 Nm (11 lb-ft).
2 Tighten the center screw.
X Tighten to 1 Nm (10 lb-in).
40. Install the direct clutch drum.
2005 Mustang, 12/2004