© Copyright Ford 2005
Rev Date- 8/29/05
All models except LS, T-Bird, Escort, Econoline and
Super-Duty Pick-ups, remove the steering column
shroud to allow access to the PATS transceiver antenna
ring around the ignition switch lock cylinder.
A. To allow access to the necessary vehicle circuits,
remove the interior panels as required.
B. Identify the control module mounting location and
appropriate vehicle circuit connection points. Plan
wire harness routings that will be free and clear of
all moving underdash components (i.e. accelerator
pedal, adjustable position brake pedal assembly
and parking brake mechanism.
Test for Factory Perimeter Alarm (vehicles equipped with factory RKE only):
1. Roll down the driver’s door window and then close all doors, hood, trunk or hatch;
2. Lock the doors using the factory RKE transmitter;
3. Wait one minute, then reach in the driver door window and open the drivers door (do not unlock doors with the factory
RKE remote).
€ If the vehicle’s horn begins sounding when the door is opened, the vehicle is equipped with factory perimeter alarm.
Unlock the doors with the factory RKE remote to turn off the alarm. In this case, wire the systems factory perimeter
alarm disarm wire to the vehicle’s perimeter alarm disarm input (See the vehicle specific wiring section). Skip the test
for door trim switch disable below.
€ If the horn does not begin sounding when the door is opened, the vehicle is not equipped with factory installed
perimeter alarm. Follow the test procedure below for door trim switch disable.
Test for Door Trim Switch Disable option (vehicles equipped with factory RKE only):
1. Roll down the driver door window and close all doors, hood, trunk or hatch;
2. Lock the doors using the factory RKE transmitter;
3. Wait one minute, then reach in the driver door window and press the door trim unlock switch.
€ If the doors unlock, the door trim disable feature is not enabled and no further action is required.
€ If the doors do not unlock, connect the system’s factory alarm disarm output as shown in the vehicle specific wiring
section or disable the door trim switch disable feature using the NGS or WDS testers.