4.3.4 Maturity Level
Input the PIN then Move cursor to Select Maturity level,you can select A-Over18,X-
Erotic,G-General audience,PG-Parental Guidance,move cursor to Change Maturity level
button and press OK key,and then system will pop up a dialogue informing you the
changing result.
4.3.5 Subscription Status
Know the detail information of T okens Status.
Know the detail information of Subscription Status.
Know the detail information of Event Status.
4.3.6 Even Status
4.3.7 T oken Status
1.Upgrade File: Show the Upgrade File.
2.Upgrade Mode: Select between allcode, maincode, defaultdb, userdb and Dump. When
users switch the upgrade mode, Upgrade File will show the corresponding le
according to the table below:
4.4 Upgrade by USB
3.Press OK key on start button to start receiving the data from USB device.
When the USB device is not connected, this item is grey , you can not edit it now.
Upgrade Mode File feature
All code : Fi le named as "*.ab s"
Main Code: F ile named a s *.a bs
: F ile named a s "*.ab s",
the picture will be us ed
a s bo th radio bac k an d
m enu back
Default db: F ile named as "*.abs"
Select the upgrade mode and upgrade le, then you can start upgrade by USB.
4.5 Network Local Setting
DHCP: Select between ON and OFF, when it ON, the
IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway item will turn
gray, you can not edit them.
Press number 0-9 the input the address.
4.6 WiFi Manager
Insert Wi equipment rst, then search available Enter net signal , input the password to
connect with network.