Compressor: Illuminated when the compressor is running. Flashes when the activation of the compressor
is delayed by safety times.
10. FAN: Illuminated when the fan starts. Flashes when the activation of the fan is prevented due to external
disabling or procedures in progress.
11. DEFROST: Illuminated when defrost is activated. Flashes when the activation of the defrost is prevented
due to external disabling or procedures in progress.
12. AUX: Illuminated when the auxiliary output (1 and/or 2) selected as AUX is activated.
13. ALARM: Illuminated following the activation of the external digital input alarm. Flashes in the event of
alarms during normal operation (e.g. high /low temperature) or in the event of alarms from an external
digital input, immediate or delayed.
14. CLOCK: Illuminated if at least one timed defrost has been set. On start up comes ON for a few seconds to
indicate that the Real Time Clock is active.
15. LIGHT: Illuminated when the auxiliary output (1 and /or 2) is selected as the LIGHT is activated.
16. SERVICE: Flashes in the event of a malfunction, for example EPROM errors or probe faults.
17. DISPLAY: Displays the temperature in the range –50 to +150°C. the temperature is displayed to the tenth
of a degree between –19.9 and + 19.9°C. the display of the tenths can be disabled by setting the related
18. HACCP: Illuminated if the HACCP function is enabled. Flashes when there are hew HACCP alarms stored
(HA and/or HF alarm shown on the display).
19. CONTINUOUS CYCLE:Illuminated when the CONTINUOUS CYCLE function is activated. Flashes if the
activation of the function is prevented due to external disabling or procedures in progress (e.g. minimum
compressor OFF time).
Setting the set point.
To display the set point proceed as follows:
1. Press for more than 1 second to display the set point.
2. To increase the set point press or to decrease the set point press until the desired value is
3. To confirm the value press .
Programming the controller.
The parameters can be modified using the front keypad.
The operating parameters are divided into two families: Frequent parameters (type “F”) and configuration
parameters (type “C”).
Access to the configuration parameters is protected by a password that prevents unwanted modification or access
by unauthorised persons.
Accessing the type “F” parameters.
Press for more than 5 seconds (if an alarm is active, the buzzer is muted), the display shows the code of the
first modifiable type “F” parameter.
Accessing the type “C” parameters.
1. Press and together for more than 5 seconds; the display will show the number “00”.
2. Press until the display shows “22” ( the code allows access to the parameters)