Saving and Loading Song Data
Saving from FD-4 to DAT
Loading from DAT to FD-4
Outline of the save/load operation
The FD-4 enables you to save the recorded song data (in-
cluding SETUP data) to a connected DAT machine and load
the saved data as is from DAT to the SCSI disk in the FD-4.
This function allows you to work on different projects
using the same SCSI disk.
You can save and load one Program at a time, and select
any Program if multiple Programs exist.
You can also specify whether to save only four-Real tracks
data, or both Real tracks and Additional tracks.
The following diagram shows how the data is saved to a
DAT tape and loaded to the FD-4. (In this example, four-
Real tracks and two-Additional tracks are saved and loaded.)
Saving and Loading Song Data
Gray: setting data
(Beep sound is heard.)
White: no data (silence)
Black: audio data
(Recorded content is heard.)
As shown in the diagram above, tracks 1 and 2, 3 and 4,
and L and R are paired respectively when they are saved to
the DAT tape. If the duration of each track data is “n”
minutes, it takes three times “n” minutes to save all four
Real tracks and two Additional tracks. (It takes twice “n”
minutes to save only Real tracks.)
When the data is loaded, two tracks are paired in the same
way. The data loaded into the FD-4 remains in the same
exact condition as when you previously saved it to a DAT
tape. Therefore, if you save unfinished data and then load
it, you can pick up where you left off.
<Notes on DAT machines and the save and load operations>
You may use a DAT machine that can record digital data in S/P DIF
format without compression in 16bit/44.1kHz or 32kHz/SP mode.
You cannot use media that uses a compression recording
technique, such as an MD or DCC, media that automatically adjust
the space between songs, such as a CD-R, media that converts
sampling rate, or via Adat optical connectors. You can use media
that features SCMS (Serial Copy Management System) if it
satisfies the requirements described above.
The following DAT models have been confirmed to operate with the
FD-4. Basically, any DAT machine that has digital in/out connectors
in S/P DIF format will work for the save and load operation.
However, some models (except those listed below) may cause
Connecting a DAT machine
Connect the FD-4 to a DAT machine using optical cables, as
shown below.
Use an optional Fostex COP-1 (optical coaxial converter) if
the DAT machine has only COAXIAL connectors (RCA pin
jacks) for digital I/O.
Use an optional Fostex COP-1 if the DAT
has only COAXIAL connectors for digital I/O.
<Notes on connection>
If the connected DAT (preferably a professional model) features sync operation with external clock and its “INPUT (or EXTERNAL SYNC)” sync
mode switch is set to OPTICAL, trying to load data with both digital I/Os connected as shown in the diagram may cause a digital clock loop to form
and loading may fail.
In this case, set the sync mode of the DAT to INTERNAL, or disconnect the optical cable from the DATA OUT of the FD-4 before loading data. This
type of problem will not occur during the save operation since the DATA IN connector of the FD-4 is not effective.
To make the DAT connection clearer, other devices are omitted in the example above.