
Mixer Functions
Deleting a mark from the mark map
You can delete an unnecessary mark from the mark
You cannot delete
mark 00
While the VF80 is stopped, press the [SCENE SEQ/
MAP] key while holding down the [SHIFT] key.
The screen shows the mark map.
Highlight the desired mark using the [JOG] dial.
Press the [UNDO/REDO/F3] key while holding down the
[SHIFT] key.
The message asking for confirmation to delete the mark
appears and "Sure?" flashes.
To cancel to delete the mark, press the [EXIT/NO] key
Press the [ENTER/YES] key while holding down the
[RECORD] key.
The map is deleted and the following marks are renum-
Scene sequence on/off selection
You can turn on or off the scene sequence function
for selecting whether or not performing the scene
sequence function using the mark map.
While the VF80 is stopped, press the [SCENE SEQ] key.
The [SCENE SEQ] key lights in green, showing that the
scene sequence function is active (ON).
Each time you press the [SCENE SEQ] key, ON and OFF
When turning on the scene sequence function, "SCENE
SQ: ON" appears momentarily on the Normal screen and
then the scene number is highlighted.
When turning off the scene sequence function, "SCENE
SQ: OFF" appears momentarily on the Normal screen
and then the highlighted scene number returns to the
Normal screen.
Executing the scene sequence
If you start playback while the scene sequence func-
tion is active (ON), the scenes will be recalled accord-
ing to the mark map.
When executing the scene sequence, the fader positions
may be recalled or not according to the fader recall mode
setting in the setup mode (the default is "
For example, if you set the fader recall mode to "
", both
the track and master faders are automatically recalled
every time the current scene changes.
On the contrary, if you set the fader recall mode to "
(the default mode), fader positions are not recalled so you
can manually control fader positions as you like.
We suggest you to make sure to set the fader recall mode
suitably for your work before executing the scene se-
quence. See "
Fader recall mode setting
" on page
for de-
<Screen appearances during playback>
The following show the screen appearances during play-
back with the mark map in which scene number 02 (with
the title "BBBB") is assigned to "Bar 12, Beat 1" and scene
number 06 (with the title "CCCC") is assigned to "Bar 20,
Beat 4."
The unit starts playback from "Bar -2, Beat 1" with
the settings stored in scene number 00 (Init Mix).
The unit recalls scene number 02 (BBBB) at "Bar
12, Beat 1" and continues playback.
The unit recalls scene number 06 (CCCC) at
"Bar 20, Beat 4" and continues playback.
The effect preset may not be changed while the
scene sequence function is active!
Effect presets of the internal effect processor are clas-
sified into three types; ambience/delay type (No. 1
through 28), modulation/pitch type (No. 29 through
36), pitch type (No. 37 and 38) and distortion/simu-
lation type (No. 39 through 44).
Note that the scene sequence function does not re-
call an effect preset whose type is different from the
current one. This is to avoid momentary audio mut-
ing, and is not a malfunction. The other mix param-
eters of the scene can be recalled even if it includes
an effect preset whose type is different from the cur-
rent one.