Introducing the VM200
VM200 User’s Guide
Scene Memory
The VM200 enables you to store virtually every mixer parameter set-
ting as part of a group snapshot, or “scene,” in the Scene Memory.
The Scene Memory can store up to 100 scenes, which you can later
recall by simply pressing a key on the VM200, or by issuing a remote
MIDI Program Change command from a connected MIDI device.
The Scene Memory store and recall functions let you work on a mix
until you are satisfied, then store virtually all mixer fader and param-
eter settings for instantaneous future recall.
In addition to the scene memory “slots” or “locations” for user pro-
grams, the VM200 features three preset scenes: InitMix, Recording,
and Mix Down, which are designed for optimal performance in com-
mon mixing situations.
MIDI connections enable you to take advantage of the VM200’s ver-
satility. MIDI Program Change messages can recall scenes from the
VM200’s Scene Memory. MIDI Control Change messages and Fostex
System Exclusive messages enable real-time parameter control.
To backup and transfer data between VM200s, you can use System
Exclusive Bulk Dump commands.
If a MIDI-compatible recorder is connected to the VM200, you can
control it remotely via MMC (MIDI Machine Control). You can also
cascade VM200s via MIDI connections.
The VM200 features eight 60mm continuous-throw faders and one
Master fader.
A channel layering system enables you to control up to 20 channels
using only the eight faders and the Master. Page Select keys specify
the “active” channel layer. You can select Channels 1 - 8 Analog In,
Channels 9 - 16 ADAT In, or Channels 17 - 20 Eff Rtn. The LCD Dis-
play will show parameters specific to the selected layer.
The VM200 features seven Fader modes. In each mode, the Faders
function slightly differently, controlling various send and return lev-
els. The Fader modes include: Channel, Eff1, Eff2, Aux1, Aux2, Aux3,
and Aux4.
The motorized faders move automatically when you recall a scene
from Scene Memory, if the Motor parameter is turned on.
The faders can be grouped into one of three groups, enabling you to
control the group with a single fader. Faders for paired channels
move as one.
The faders can function as MIDI controllers if a MIDI device is con-
nected to the VM200 via the MIDI ports.