Using the MP3 Player Using the MP3 Player
3. Press or to highlight the
option you want.
Sorted by Last Update sorts your
songs by those most recently
added to your device.
Sorted by Song Name sorts your
songs by their title.
Sorted by Artist Name sorts your
songs by the artist.
4. Press
to save your
Ordering Your
You can select how you want to
hear the songs saved in your
1. Press
2. Press
or to highlight
Setting and then press
A menu of playback options is
3. Press
or to highlight the
option you want.
None sets your MP3 player to
play only the selected song.
Repeat sets your MP3 player to
play all the songs in your device
in order and then start from the
beginning once they have all
been played.
Random sets your MP3 player
to randomize the order of all
the songs.
Repeat and Random sets your
MP3 player to randomize the
playback order of all the songs
in your device and then start all
over once they have all been
4. Press
to save your
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